
What does it mean?  How do you’ focus’?  How do you apply it in pressure situations?

The word ‘focus’ is open to a lot of different interpretations, but what does it mean to you? Every athlete, coach, businessperson and everyday-Joe like you and I have certain ways of maintaining or gaining focus in pressure situations.  Training to improve focus is a huge part of sports psychology and athletic mindset.

Below are a few key ways to help focus or re-focus on the task that you have in hand and all are individually adaptable. Try these out:

  • Know what you need to focus on. The clearer you are about what you want to focus on, the more likely you’ll be to stay focused on the factors that contribute to your success.

  • Focus on what you can control. You have control over yourself and your own actions and attitudes

  • Stay relaxed under pressure. When you’re stressed and anxious, your focus drops.

  • Use cue words. Cue words are simple words and phrases that remind you of your focus points.

  • Develop effective routines. A routine/s channel your focus and gets you ready to compete.

  • Use mental imagery. Practice seeing yourself perform exactly as you want to perform, focusing exactly as you want to.

  • Analyse your focused performance. Be consciously aware of your focus before and after practice or competition. It helps to consistently improve and develop your concentration.

Are you having trouble keeping focused or struggling to engage your mind at important times? Speak to me for help to overcome your personal barriers.


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