Maximising Performance: The Psychology Behind Pre-Competition Preparation

The term ‘success’ is often determined not just by physical ability but also by mental resilience and preparation. Having witnessed first-hand the transformative power of mental preparation in athletes' performance, the aim of this blog is to delve into the essential pre-competition preparation ‘must-do's’ that every athlete should incorporate into their routine. From visualisation techniques to goal setting strategies, we will explore how these psychological tools can elevate athletes' performance on the field, court, or track.

  1. Visualisation, also known as mental imagery, is a powerful technique used by athletes to mentally rehearse their performance. By vividly imagining themselves executing their skills flawlessly, athletes can enhance their confidence and boost their performance on competition day. For example, a tennis player might visualise hitting the perfect serve, feeling the racket in their hand and the ball sailing over the net with precision. This mental rehearsal not only primes the body for action but also instils a sense of familiarity with the competition environment, reducing pre-game jitters.

  2. Goal Setting is a cornerstone of effective pre-competition preparation. By setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals, athletes provide themselves with clear targets to strive for during competition. For instance, a track athlete might set a goal to shave off a few seconds from their personal best time in the upcoming race. By focusing on performance goals rather than outcome goals, athletes maintain control over their actions and can measure success based on their own progress, regardless of external factors.

  3. Positive self-talk involves replacing negative thoughts and doubts with affirming statements that bolster confidence and self-belief. Athletes can use phrases like "I am prepared," "I am capable," and "I can do this" to counteract self-doubt and maintain a positive mindset. For example, a basketball player might repeat the mantra "I am a clutch shooter" to boost their confidence before taking a critical free throw. By cultivating a habit of positive self-talk, athletes can cultivate resilience in the face of adversity and stay focused on their goals.

  4. Pre-competition nerves are common among athletes, but learning to manage them effectively is key to optimal performance. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness meditation can help athletes calm their nerves and stay focused under pressure. For instance, a football player might use deep breathing exercises to centre themselves before taking a penalty. By incorporating relaxation techniques into their pre-game routine, athletes can maintain a state of calm and clarity that enhances their performance.

  5. Developing a pre-competition routine can provide athletes with a sense of structure and familiarity that boosts confidence and reduces anxiety. A routine might include physical warm-ups, mental preparation activities, and time for focused concentration. For example, a golfer might have a routine of stretching exercises, visualisation, and putting drills before teeing off. By following a consistent routine, athletes can prime their bodies and minds for peak performance on competition day.

  6. Whilst winning and achievement may be the ultimate goal in sports, focusing too much on the outcome can detract from athletes' performance and enjoyment of the game. Instead, athletes should concentrate on executing their skills to the best of their ability and trusting in the process. For instance, a gymnast might focus on perfecting their routine rather than worrying about their competitors' scores. By shifting their focus to the present moment and the task at hand, athletes can perform with greater confidence and clarity.

  7. Drawing strength from accomplishments and reflecting on past successes can provide athletes with a confidence boost and a reminder of their capabilities. By recalling moments of triumph and resilience, athletes can build resilience and self-belief. For example, a swimmer might recall a race where they overcame adversity to clinch victory, drawing inspiration from their past success. By recognising their strengths and achievements, athletes can approach competition with a sense of optimism and determination.

  8. Controlled breathing techniques can help athletes regulate arousal levels and maintain focus during competition. By practicing deep, rhythmic breathing, athletes can calm their nerves and steady themselves amidst the intensity of competition. For instance, a boxer might use controlled breathing to steady their nerves before entering the ring. By incorporating breathing exercises into their pre-game routine, athletes can achieve a state of balance and focus that enhances their performance.

  9. A comprehensive preparation plan encompasses physical training, mental preparation, nutrition, hydration, and rest/recovery. By attending to each of these aspects, athletes can optimise their performance and minimise the risk of injury or burnout. For example, a long-distance runner might follow a training plan that includes interval workouts, visualisation practice, macro detailed meals, adequate hydration, and sufficient sleep. By taking a holistic approach to preparation, athletes can ensure they are physically and mentally primed for competition.

  10. Athletes should strive to stay present-minded and focused on the task at hand during competition. By letting go of past mistakes and future worries, athletes can perform with greater clarity and confidence. For example, a tennis player might practice mindfulness techniques to stay grounded and focused between points. By cultivating a present-moment awareness, athletes can tap into their full potential and perform at their best when it matters most.

To sum up, pre-competition preparation is a crucial aspect of athletic performance that should not be overlooked. My mission as a Performance Mindset Coach is to empower athletes to exploit the power of their minds and unleash and maximise their unique potential in pursuit of their athletic and life goals. By embracing these mental skills, tools and techniques, athletes can rise to the challenge and achieve greatness in their sport.


Exploiting the Power of Mental Imagery: Propelling Athletes to the Next Level